How To Fix Beats Flex Not Charging? 【Easy Fixes】

People are drawn to Beats Flex because it has advanced and excellent features, and it works flawlessly with iOS devices.

However, the Beats Flex may not charge properly sometimes due to minor issues. You can fix the Beats Flex not charging issue by resetting it or cleaning the charging port.

Here are a few simple tricks to solve these minor issues so that you can continue using the Beats Flex happily ever after.

What To Do If Beats Flex Won’t Charge?

Beats Flex Not Charging

Don’t worry; we’ve got plenty for you. Here are some fast tricks you can follow:

  • Try a different adaptor.
  • Reset the device.
  • Clean the ports.
  • Replace the damaged cables.
  • Replace batteries.

How To Fix Beats Flex Not Charging Issue?

Try these solutions to fix the charging issue of Beats Flex neckband style earphones:

Try a different adapter

Try switching to a different adaptor by referring to the power output listed on the back of the adaptor.

An ideal adaptor should always be used with the specific amount of power output required by the particular device.

Try using another adaptor as soon as possible so that the device does not slow down and can resume regular operation.

If you do not change the adaptor to the best one, both the adaptor and the device connected to it are at risk of being damaged.

Reset your device

Resetting a device can fix many issues associated with it. You should reset your Beats Flex when it doesn’t charge.

  1. Long-press the power button on the right module of the earphones and the volume button on the left module simultaneously.
  2. Hold for 15 seconds and release it when the LED white light flashes off (three times).
  3. After you’ve reset your device, try charging it again. Hopefully, this will solve your issue.

Beats Flex LED colors meanings:

  • Blinking red indicates that it needs to be charged.
  • Red indicates that the Beat Flex can run for less than an hour.
  • White indicates that the Beat Flex can run for 8 hours.

After resetting your device, if the Beats Flex is still not charging, then try the next solution.

Cleaning the ports

In some cases, dust and dirt might enter the ports and inhibit charging. So cleaning them carefully with a brush or compressed air may be necessary.

Beat Flex is extremely sensitive to dust and sweat and should be handled with extreme caution.

Simple things can sometimes save us from problems.

Hopefully, these will resolve your concerns; if not, let us look into a few more options.

Try a new charging cable

The damaged cables can resist the current supply to the Beats Flex so that it may not be adequately charged.

If you continue to use the damaged cable, more chances of damaging the Beats Flex are more.

Damaged cables can also be a reason for charging issues. So observe if there are any damages to the cables or any breakages at the end of the wires.

Replace them with new cable wires.

Replace the batteries

Lithium-ion cells are used because of qualities such as increased power capacity, faster speed, and longer battery life.

If their utilization is surpassed, the gadget may slow down, or the batteries will be destroyed, requiring battery replacement.

If you have prior experience in this subject, you can replace them at home; otherwise, you should replace them in a repair shop.

Other ways that you can try:

  • Try to observe whether the product is defective because there may be defects that you can exchange or replace within the warranty period during the manufacturing process.
  • Beats Flex is sensitive to sweat and dust, so they can get damaged unintentionally.
  • Try connecting the Beats Flex and updating the software.
  • Try to contact Apple Customer Service; they might provide an appropriate solution.

Recently, many users who purchased these Beats Flex have expressed concern about charging issues; many users find it stressful because they cannot charge the Beats Flex neckband.

Read Next:


Try a different charging cable whenever you notice that the Beats Flex battery won’t charge even if it’s plugged in.

Change your power source (plug into your Macbook) to see if it starts charging or not.

Resetting your Beats Flex can solve connectivity issues and charging issues. Hopefully, you can sort out the issue and get it resolved.

If you cannot fix the issue, it is advised to approach Apple services and have this problem resolved.

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