How To Fix Jaybird Vista Won’t Charge? – 5 Fixes!

Jaybird Sports is a well-known brand for audio solutions for athletes and exercise enthusiasts. The Jaybird Vista and Vista 2 are the popular choices in truly wireless earbuds that support active noise cancellation.

Jaybird Vista 2 Earbuds

The build quality of Jaybird Vista earbuds is great, but still, some customers reported problems in charging and pairing.

If you’re also one of them facing charging issues with your Jaybird Vista 2 wireless earbuds, you’re landed on the right page.

There could be many reasons why your Jaybird Vista won’t charge. But, usually, the problems are easy to fix.

This tutorial will explain the various troubleshooting methods to find out why your Jaybird earbuds are not charging and fix them easily.

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Why is My Jaybird Vista Won’t Charge?

Jaybird Vista Not Charging

Some minor hardware and software faults can stop your wireless earbuds from charging.

Generally, these faults can be fixed at home, and you don’t need to throw your buds and get a new ones.

If your Jaybird Vista 2 case is not charging, there may be a clogged charging port and a faulty cable. Besides this, buggy firmware and dirty earbuds also create problems in charging.

However, such minor issues can be fixed at home, and your Jaybird Vista will start functioning again.

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How To Fix Jaybird Vista That Won’t Charge?

Jaybird Vista takes approx 2 hours to charge your earbuds. So, if your battery is completely drained, place the earbuds in the charging case and leave for at least 2 hours.

If your Jaybird Vista earbuds still won’t charge, try the following troubleshooting methods to detect and fix the issue.

1. Place the Earbuds Properly

Your charging case has two charging pins that power your earbuds. The charging sensors are metal and held by magnetic force.

If you haven’t placed your earbuds with full attention, then they might not connect with charging pins.

So, you should first remove the earbuds from the case and place them again.

The charging issue is often resolved by removing and inserting them again in the charging case.

2. Clean Jaybird Charging Case

A dirty charging case is the second common reason wireless earbuds face charging issues.

Dust particles cover the charging pins so they won’t pass the electric power to your earbuds. That’s why you should keep your charging case clean.

If your charging case looks dirty, pour a cotton swab into rubbing alcohol and wipe the dust particles from the charging case.

After cleaning your charging case, wait 10 minutes to dry off, place both earbuds and close the lid.

3. Reset Your Jaybird Vista

Resetting a wireless earbud restores it to factory conditions and fixes all minor software glitches.

Your Jaybird Vista might be experiencing software bugs, and to prevent it from hardware-level damage, it stops charging.

You can check the user manual to learn how to reset Jaybird Vista wireless earbuds.

4. Place the Earbuds in the case and connect the charger

Wireless earbud charging cases have a lithium-ion battery that stores power to charge your earbuds.

With time, the power holding capacity of the battery decreases, and it won’t store enough power to charge the earbuds.

So, place your earbuds in the charging case and close the lid. Now, plug the USB charger into the connector of the charging case.

Leave it plugged in for 1.5 to 2 hours until your earbuds are fully charged.

5. Contact Support

If you follow the above solutions, all minor issues will be resolved. If your Jaybird Vista 2 is still not charging, it indicates a sign of hardware damage.

You can not fix the hardware faults at home. It needs to be repaired by a professional technician.

So, if none of the above solutions fixes the charging issue, contact the brand’s customer care and get your product replaced.

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Why is my Jaybird Vista Case Not Charging?

A white light will start flashing when you connect your Jaybird Vista charging case to a power source. It indicates that your Jaybird Vista case is charging.

The light will stop flashing and become solid white, which means your case is fully charged and ready to charge your earbuds.

But, sometimes, your case won’t charge when plugged in. It happens due to the following reasons-

  • A clogged charging port.
  • A broken charging cable.
  • A defective power adapter.
  • A faulty power outlet.

How To Fix Jaybird Vista Case Not Charging?

You can perform the following steps to troubleshoot and fix the charging issue of your Jaybird Vista wireless earbuds case:

1. Unclog the charging port

Over time, dust and debris clog the charging port of wireless earbuds. Inspect the charging port and carefully remove any debris blocking the charging port.

2. Replace your cable

Don’t hesitate to replace your charging cable if you notice any sign of damage to it.

You can visually inspect your charging cable to check if it’s broken, torn, or brunt. If it’s USB type-C, connect an Android smartphone to check if the cable is damaged.

3. Try a different power source

If your power adapter is damaged, then try a different power source to charge your Jaybird Vista earbuds.

You can use a different adapter of the same power rating or plug your cable into your laptop USB port to charge the earbuds.

4. Try another outlet

If your Jaybird Vista 2 case is not charging in your current wall outlet, then plug the power adapter into a different wall outlet.


Minor software and hardware issue can be resolved at home. You can try all the above-mentioned solutions carefully, and the charging issue will be resolved.

However, in rare cases, you may need to contact the customer support team to fix major hardware faults in Jaybird Vista wireless earbuds.

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